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Black Sea Winemaking Forum, 2-3.07.2015

Опубликовано:  14:03 - 24 мая 2015

Place and time: Krasnodar, 2-3 July 2015

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Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015
Background information

The Second Black Sea Winemaking Forum will be held on July 2-3, 2015 in Krasnodar, Russian Federation (conference center of the Intourist 4* Hotel, Krasnaya street 109). The Forum is a specialized comprehensive branch event, which will be held mostly in the B2B format, but this event in Russia will stress the fact that the wine industry in Europe and Asia is now driven mostly by consumers. For instance, nowadays the annual consumption of still wines in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) states is about 4L per capita (age +15) that is 3 times lower than it was in the same republics in Soviet times and 10 times lower than it is now in Italy and France.

The EAEU countries consumer wine market is for sure very close to the strong growth. Here are going to be also the significant changes in the supply sector: the old beneficiaries like Moldova, Bulgaria and Georgia are not ready to give up their traditional markets where they were on the top for centuries. But West European and New World challengers are also struggling to increase their market shares. All these trends are overlapping with the strong state patronage in the EAEU economies, which is not always understandable for the outside “pure” market players. These misunderstandings did get stronger after regular attempts to introduce quasi embargos in the sector. The uncertainty also was added by the war of sanctions started recently in agro sector, but fortunately it did not touch the wine industry. The Black Sea Forum is a suitable place to analyze both the relevant problems of the market and the new developments in the state regulations. For the participants, the forum discussions and meetings can definitely give a chance to reconsider the development of their companies. The participants of the Forum will also benefit from new networking opportunities. The Forum includes also the market analysis panels, devoted to the state - business and interstate economic relations. It is an event where trader meets winemaker and both are discussing not only new trends in the markets but also the ins and outs of the complicate state regulations developments for the industry. The state role and interstate relations are most important for the regional winemakers. The market risk in this turbulent region is high, but the possible very high profit is at stake.


The First Black Sea Winemaking Forum was held in Gagauzia, autonomous republic in Moldova. Gagauzia is a bright example of the wine region, It has the highest density of the vineyards area per capita in Eastern and Central Europe. This region almost completely depends on the winemaking industry.
Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015

About 150 participants representing more than 10 countries took part in the first Forum. They were owners, executives and employees of the wineries, companies of importers and distributors, market analysts, journalists, social activists, representatives of the relevant state regional and municipal authorities and associations of the winemakers from the leading winemaking regions of the Black Sea countries. Among speakers were minister of agriculture of Republic of Moldova, Head of Gagauzia, the President of the Russian Union of Viticulturists and Winemakers and many VIPs of the regional wine industry .
Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015

The participants of the Forum had an opportunity not only to work in the conference hall, but also to get acquainted with the products of the winemakers from the Black Sea area at the exposition. During three days the Forum guests and their Moldavian colleagues visited vineyards, workshops, degustation halls of three leading regional enterprises namely “Vinuri de Comrat” “Tomai-Vinex” and “Invinprom”. The best Gagauzian folk groups played and danced for the Forum’s participants. Local restaurants provided for the Forum’s participants their best authentic cuisine.
Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015

Official partners of the forum were famous companies: “KVINT” and “DIONIS CLUB”. The partners of the Forum were companies: “TOMAI-VINEX”, “VINURI DE COMRAT”, “INVINPROM” and others.
Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015

Among numerous media partners were GAGAUZIA.MD, CIFRRA, ALCOEXPERT and VINMOLDOVA.MD.


We invite to take part in the Second Black Sea Winemaking Forum the owners, executives and employees of the private and state companies, associations and organizations, the representatives of the relevant media, state and interstate authorities as well as market researches and analysts. The participation in the Forum is also possible for the companies which do not have a full cycle of winemaking (the cultivation of grapes and production of wine), but which manufacture the equipment for the production of wine. The importers and distributors of the winemaking products are very welcomed as well.

For your information, the countries of the Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) are Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, Greece, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.

We will be glad if the participants from the BSEC countries are joined also by the representatives of other states. They will have an observer status on the conference and full status in the exhibition.

The official language of the Forum:

For the majority of the Forum’s participants Russian is the basic language for the interethnic communication. That is why we choose Russian as the official language of the Forum. The English translation is provided upon request


Forum is held to support the practical cooperation mechanisms: networking of the traders and producers; mutual promotion of the products on the relevant international and regional markets; assistance in the legal protection on the markets in different countries of the region; analytical networking in the formation of the consolidated opinions for the market researchers and analysts; lobbying and the mutual support in informing about the decisions made (or intended to be made) by the relevant government authorities.

The participants of the First Black Sea Winemaking Forum decided to hold the Forum annually in the different countries of the region. The annual meetings determine basic directions for other activities of the Black Sea Winemaking Forum as a permanent body: they are expositions, degustation workshops, conferences, competitions.
Black Sea Winemaking Forum can also organize other types of activity to reach its goals.

Black Sea Winemaking Forum has its own brand logo, which may be used by the participants in their documentation and product labeling.

The participants have a goal to establish a voluntary quality certification, which will be a kind of the protection against the possible arbitraries from the official quality expertise of the winemaking products in the countries of the region.

Forum participants consider the Black Sea Region as an area united not only by similar moderate resort-style climate and geographical peculiarities, but also by traditional culture of winemaking and relevant cuisine.

The peoples of the Black Sea region countries traditionally have a friendly attitude towards each other, they respect the traditions of the production and consumption of wine, table culture, they have very good mutual knowledge of the regional ethnic cuisines. The Black Sea region is the most affordable and a favorite destination for the tourists from the neighboring countries, including the countries which do not have a direct access to the Black sea.

Winemaking requires protection of geographical and cultural uniqueness, because it is closely tied to the place of origin of vine and wine production. Preservation of traditions, support of the production of authentic wine is the basic aim of the Black Sea Winemaking Forum participants.

The Second Black Sea Winemaking Forum 2015

The Second Black Sea Winemaking Forum will be held on July 2-3, 2015 in Krasnodar (in the business center of the “Intourist” hotel) under support of the Gorchakov foundation (the General Partner of the conference), the Russian Union of Viticulturists and Winemakers and the Krasnodar Department of Viticulture and Winemaking. Among partners of the forum are leading winemaking companies of the Black Sea region.

General Media Partners of the Forum are “ALCOEXPERT”, the most popular media for wine and alcohol industries in Russia and the Center of Federal and Regional Alcohol Market Research (CFRAMR).

Manufacturing companies and the associations of winemakers from the leading winemaking regions of the Black Sea countries, as well as distributors, representatives from OIV, Eurasian Commission, ministries of agriculture and other regulatory authorities will take part in the Forum.

Information: Tel : +74957403978 E-mail: forum@blackseawine.ru

Партнеры II Черноморского Форума Виноделия

Генеральный партнер конференции
Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015

Генеральные партнеры:

Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015

Официальные партнеры:
Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015

Организационный партнер:

Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015

Информационные партнеры:
Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015Black Sea Winemaking Forum,  2-3.07.2015

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