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Showcase for Eastern European wine producers

Опубликовано:  17:50 - 15 ноября 2011

Concours Mondial de Bruxelles 2012 expects 7.500 samples from all over the world -Inscription starts December 20th

Showcase for Eastern European wine producers

With 7.500 expected samples for the 2012 edition Concours Mondial de Bruxelles (CMB) as the world’s leading wine competition is a good showcase for Eastern European wine producers, too. Winning a medal at this highly reputated competition, which takes place in another country every year, puts producers on the global map and gives a strong push for their national and international marketing efforts. However so far, less than five percent of the presented samples of Concours Mondial came from Eastern European countries. “This is a far too small figure - there is a much higher potential”, declared Thomas Brandl, new Embassador of CMB for Eastern Europe. Following the international wine journalist and PR professional based in Stuttgart / Germany quality of Eastern European wines has steadily improved during the last years: “Now it’s time to compete with the other European and Overseas wines in order to conquer international markets.”

Concours Mondial de Bruxelles was founded in 1994 by Louis Havaux. Since 2006 the competition is hosted in alternating countries: 2010 it took place in Palermo / Sicily, 2011 in Luxemburg and 2012 it will be organized from May 4 to 6 in Guimaraes / Portugal, EuropeanCultural Capital 2012. In the future it is planned to bring CMB to Eastern European wine countries as well. Judges of Concours Mondial, around 270 in number, come from 40 different countries all around the world; two thirds of them are journalists. On the producers’side, more than 50 countries are presented. Inscription for the 2012 edition in Portugal starts on December 20. Deadline for sending wine samples to Brussels will be March 9th. More information about CMB: www.concoursmondial.com

Модератор: alcoexpert Просмотров: 1 479 Категория: Главная / Пресс-релизы

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